Being here for the time that I have has been an amazing expierence that I would not change for the world. I have gotten to meet many differant people, work with differant people, and hear the wolves howl everyday all day long. I had the chance to bottle feed some 3 lbs. wolf puppies this summer and of course I took it. Now these puppies are giant 70 lbs. mini-wolves. They are growing faster than you can imagine.
In the past month we have lost a few of our older kids to both old age and sickness. It was sad and we all cried, but we also wished them to "the pack in the sky." The caretakers' of the animals always end up building a relationship with them and it is always hard for them to say good-bye to one of their beloved friends. One of the animals that passed away this month named Kamia, was loved dearly by a volunteer named Allison. The loss of Kamia caused a great sadness in Allison, so to help her grieve, when Kamia is creamated we are going to be able to get a casting of her paw. With this option, of course costly, we can help the volunteers' get by.

1) WWW.WildSpiritWolfSanctuary.org
2) WWW.Goodsearch.com
3) WWW.Wildspirit.myphotomax.com
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